It’s said that 45 million people in the United States are distressed by chronic headaches. Just like a stomachache, the causes of headache vary. The top two common headaches are a tension-type and migraine. Tension headaches are caused by muscular tension in your neck and shoulders, and sometimes in the jaw. The tension gradually spreads up to your head, producing a squeezing pain on both sides of the head and a heavy feeling. Migraine symptoms are a continuous throbbing sensation in one area of the head, commonly accompanied by nausea, chills, a cold sweat and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Causes of migraines Migraines occur when your blood vessels […]

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Functions of Vitamin C The biggest function of vitamin C is its antioxidant property. Vitamin C protects our DNA, RNA, protein, fat, and carbohydrates from oxidation substances such as reactive oxygen and free radicals. Reactive oxygen and free radicals can lead to cancer, aging, or many other diseases. Reactive oxygen and free radicals are the substances which are produced in a process of the normal metabolism, but they can be produced much more if you smoke, exercise excessively, or take many medications. If you were a smoker, you might need more antioxidants, including vitamin C, than non-smoking people. Vitamin C is necessary for producing collagen fiber. Most collagen fibers are […]

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